Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy = 聖なる館

En su quinto álbum, Houses of the Holy, publicado en 1973, la propuesta de Led Zeppelin continúa lo mostrado en los icónicos Led Zeppelin I-II-III-IV.
El dúo Page/Plant sigue liderando cadencias incendiarias solo que más diversas, mientras que John Paul Jones enriquece tocando bajo y toda clase de teclados.
Los momentos destacados: la enérgica The Song Remains The Same, la relajada que presenta cuerdas The Rain Song, el pseudo-reggae D'yer Mak'er y el rock The Ocean.
Por cierto, ningún otro baterista de rock sonó mejor que John Bonham.****1/2

1.The Song Remains The Same = 永遠の詩 5:30
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
2.The Rain Song = レイン・ソング 7:38
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass and Mellotron - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
3.Over The Hills And Far Away = 丘のむこうに 4:50
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
4.The Crunge = クランジ 3:17
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass and Syntheziser - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
5.Dancing Days = ダンシング・デイズ 3:43
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass and Organ - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
6.D'yer Mak'er = ディジャ・メイク・ハー 4:22
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass and piano - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
7.No Quarter = ノー・クォーター 7:00
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Grand piano, Synthesiser piano and
Synthesised bass - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
8.The Ocean = オーシャン 4:31
Vocals - Robert Plant
Guitars - Jimmy Page
Bass - John Paul Jones
Drums - John Bonham
Backing vocals – Robert, John Paul and John

Recorded at Electric Lady Studios, New York and Olympic, London

Atlantic Recording Corporation WEA International Inc. Warner Music Japan WPCR-11615 (2003)


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